Dash & Lily's Book of Dares

Dash & Lily's Book of Dares - Rachel Cohn,  David Levithan I've wanted to read this book for so long that I can't believe that it's done done. Really. It went by so freaking fast. This book takes place in Manhattan between December 21st and January 1st, so I wanted to read it in this period, maybe accompany the plot as the days went by. But somewhere along the road I got excited and I just read the whole thing! I just wasted 6 more days of PERFECTION. Inexcusable. How will I survive now? Huh? But, honestly I can not regret having devoured this book. Because this book just changed my life. I feel like... I can't even begin to describe my exact feelings. I'm feeling ragged - maybe that's the word for it. I feel empty and full at the same time. The book has beautiful written in all its lines. It touched my heart in a very strange way. I'm not a teenager any more, but really - I think Rachel and David just wrote what I would like to have been at that age and what I would have liked to experience.There is such richness in their words. I think this is a perfect love/friendship relationship. My notebook is filled with Rachel and David's words. This book touched my very soul.