Eternal Kiss of Darkness - Jeaniene Frost 3,5 stars This is the second book of the spin-off series "Night Huntress". The first book featured Spade and Denise.Now, in Eternal Kiss of Darkness it's time to give Mencheres and Kira an opportunity to find love and happiness. I've been enjoying this series so far and I'm happy that I could manage to catch up with one more series! 25 (more or less) to go! *humpf*Back to the book in question although I appreciated "First Drop of Crimson" best I have to say that Mencheres was a character that I wanted to know better for long because of his status in vampire world and unique personality. Because of that this book was really interesting for me. The main plot was... well... I didn't expect nothing more, really. In this kind of genre you learn that the plots can't vary that much (they should of course * blast those demanding readers*). But I have to say that this book has served its purpose. I was highly entertained and I had the chance to read about Frost's world which is something I value greatly. It wasn't as intense as one of Bones and Cat's books but which book could attain such status right? After all Cat and Bones are special... *.*Nonotheless Eternal Kiss of Darkness was a great read and this spin-off series is surprising me! Jeaniene Frost writing always succeeds in enveloping me!